Reflective Yarn Closeup

I’ve been asked to provide a close up photo of the Retroglo® yarns to help a customer decide whether or not to buy it and so thought that likely more of you folks might be interested in seeing a closeup of this fun, somewhat ‘magical’ yarn

This first photo shows the three widths that we carry.  From left to right, the 1/69″, the 1/32″, and the 1/23″.   It’s funny how its a bit hard to mentally picture the sizes, even though its spelled out for us in the name.

I’ve placed them over a wooden ruler to help illustrate the actual sizes.  If you look closely you can see that these just look like a grey strip of fabric– and that’s true. These are cut from a 3M product called  Scotchlite. It is a reflective material that is laminated to a polyester film for strength and then cut into thin strips by Metlon corporation which manufactures this yarn (made in the USA!)

You may be familiar with this, but Retroglo® has 50,000 minute glass beads to the square inch.  This is what give it the ‘magical’ quality of retro-reflectivity.  The glass beads work to shine the light directly back to the source and is why it provides that all important safety quality to your hand crafted outer-wear.

My second photo is with the flash on. This illustrates the retro-reflectivity we just spoke of.

If you are interested in trying out these yarns, we suggest that you carry them along with another yarn as even though they are flexible, they are not as flexible or strong as most yarns you might use.

I’ve used them in hats and scarves with good success.

Retroglo with flash
